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BLM and BIA roundups are U.S. government subsidized. The Wild for Life Foundation Equine Cruelty Prevention Team considers the agressive treatment and rough handling of horses and burros during BLM and BIA roundups as egregious animal abuse.

"Roundups are known to cause horses and burros unnecessary and unjustifiable pain and suffering. During roundups equines of all ages and sizes, both fit and unfit are chased indiscriminately by motorized vehicles; they are forced to run for hours across miles of rough terrain without rest or water, and oftentimes are roped and dragged during the roundups. Bands of horses and burros are chased at high speeds into enclosed trap sites where horses often collide into the metal gates, and into one another. This egregiously cruel handling of horses and burros causes them tremendous suffering and pain. Horses and burros sustain a multitude of injuries that occur during and as a direct result of the roundups including deep lacerations, abrasions, trachea injuries, and serious muscle skeletal injuries including fractures, broken necks, broken limbs, pelvis and spinal injuries. These injuries are ignored by roundup crew members. These horses and burros are then crammed into trailers where they suffer further injuries including head trauma, ruptured eye globes, and shipping fever (a painful condition caused by aggravated stress and a lack of rest, water and food), and many of the equines go down and are then trampled by the others.  Many horses and burros suffer languishing deaths during and as a result of the roundups. New born foals and weanlings often also suffer from multiple hoof sloughs where their hooves literally fall off; surviving foals are force weaned too young; lacking the ability to eat or drink, these baby horse and burros languish in a slow cruel death." - Katia Louise, Director, Saving America's Horses: A Nation Betrayed, President, Founder and volunteer Executive Director of the Wild for Life Foundation.




SAH A Promise of Freedom


Modern day horses and burros – both wild and domestic are in fact indigenous to North America. Indisputable Mitochondrial-DNA analysis evidence confirms that modern horse, E. Caballus is genetically the same species which was reintroduced in 1519 by the Spaniards. (Source: Jay F. Kirkpatrick and Patricia M. Fazio, Natural History magazine, May 2008) Genus Equus, otherwise known as the modern day horse, donkey (ass) and zebra are the only survivors of the previously diverse family of 27 genera. Well established Paleontological evidence shows that Equus Lambei , otherwise known as the Yukon Horse is the most recent Genus Equus in North America prior to extinction and no evidence exists for the origin of E. caballus anywhere, except North America.

10 Need-to-Know Facts that can Raise Needed Protection for Wild Horses & Burros get the facts now

The mislabeling and eradication of wild horses and burros on America’s public rangelands is a clear demonstration of ‘special interests’ and ‘government agency’ support for the competing economic value of commercial livestock and reveals certain agency defiance of their mandate to protect wild horses and burros, a native wild species known to have no economic value.

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America's wild horses are disappearing; they're being eradicated by the U.S. government.. stampeded for miles across lava fields, chased by helicopter in extreme temperatures. Many die during these round ups, many are never seen again.

The BLM claims they are dying of dehydration because of no water, yet documented evidence shows they've been fenced off from the water sources so that cattle can drink.

SAH Prod Still- Photo credit Virginie Parant

Wild horses are used as scapegoats; blamed for the degradation of the rangelands, when irrefutable proof exists showing the devastation has been caused by the overgrazing of commercial livestock. The propagation of the myth that wild horses are devastating the lands gives the BLM and the livestock industry the fuel they need to get wild horses out of their way.

The BLM claims that it's a myth that wild horses are being sent to slaughter, however substantial evidence reveals the removal and trafficking of wild horses by the BLM for the purpose of slaughter.

10 Need-to-Know Facts that can Raise Needed Protection for Wild Horses & Burros get the facts now

Make your voice heard on behalf of the wild horses

United We Stand

Stand United for the Horses

Join us in honoring the horse nation. They are as much a part of the land as we are.

They must be given respect and honored for their sacred place within the Creation.

Say no to round ups

Say NO to horse slaughter

Let your voice be heard



Join the Saving America's Horses Initiative by pledging to help stop equine cruelty.

The Saving America’s Horses Initiative strives break the cycle of animal cruelty for America’s horses through cultivating action and inspiring social change for the protection of equines from abuse, cruelty and gruesome death.


Comments made to the BLM in opposition of their cruel round ups and removals ofterntimes do fall on the deaf ears - because they are the ones responsible for these crimes; however, the record of your polite and educated comments gives testimony to the will of the people and can be used in the fight to right the wrong as we continue in our work to make a WIN FOR AMERICA'S WILD HORSES AND BURROS!

Thank you for making your voice heard on behalf of the horses

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Our services and objectives are made possible through donations to our lifesaving mission. Unrestricted general funding allows us to allocate our resources most efficiently and where the needs are greatest. Federal ID No 26-3052458

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WFLF's Facts that Refute the 7 Most Common Myths about Horse Slaughter by Wild for Life Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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