SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES is a humane educational multi-media project and lifesaving initiative under The Wild for Life Foundation, (WFLF) a nonprofit 501 c3 charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving equines through education, sanctuary, rescue and preservation. We work to ensure the protection of wild equines and the humane treatment, care and well-being of all equines. Through Saving America's Horses WFLF strives to inform, inspire, and empower the public for the greater good in saving, preserving and protecting wild and domestic equines and their significant roles in our world’s society, ecosystem and history; for a better world now and for generations to come.
SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED is a feature documentary film.
"Saving America's Horses: A Nation Betrayed" is an educational film project created as a social action tool for people who want to make a difference. Promoting wild horse conservation and preservation initiatives – the prevention of equine cruelty – and to support the return of horse and burro populations to the wild and provide lifelong sanctuary for equines in need. SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES is a central tool in a larger grassroots effort focused on saving this indigenous species for the greater good.
Distribution and Licensing inquiries are accepted by email: admin@humanionfilms[@]com.
Learn more about the Wild For Life Foundation charity and its Lifesaving Projects:
WFLF Transparency, Compliance & Impact 
WFLF - SAH Production News and Links
Filmmaker and lifelong horse woman, Katia Louise, of Sioux descent, is an inspirational speaker on issues involving wild and domestic equine welfare, preservation and horse slaughter. Her work as the director of SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES has united equine advocates globally. Ms Louise’s findings and reports are featured and referenced in international news publications, syndicated news and documented in the international award winning film, SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES: A NATION BETRAYED, the transcripts of which have been invited to be part of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Research Library collection. Katia Louise is the President of Wild for Life Foundation and the Executive Producer/ Director of the film SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES: A NATION BETRAYED.
Donations in support of SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES to Wild for Life Foundation (WFLF) are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.
Humanion Films is the humane educational media program under WFLF. Wild for Life Foundation (WFLF) is the primary contributor of educational documentation, and cruelty prevention investigation for SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES.
Thank you for supporting our lifesaving mission
Our services and objectives are made possible through donations to our lifesaving mission. Unrestricted general funding allows us to allocate our resources most efficiently and where the needs are greatest. Federal ID No 26-3052458