Facts, Tools and Information |
Horse Slaughter in America, the Current status and the facts you need to know. |
In the absence of federal protection, tens of thousands of American horses are shipped across federal borders to slaughter plants in Mexico and Canada each year. What most people don't realize is that 92% of the horses sent to slaughter are sound, young and healthy. These are among America’s finest and brightest horses; champion show horses, Thoroughbred racehorses, summer camp ponies and both wild horses and burros taken from their native lands.
The resounding evidence of how we treat our horses inside the U.S. once they are designated as food animals is chilling. Inside the slaughter pipeline they are systematically beaten, dragged, whipped, crammed into double deck cattle trailers and hauled for days without food, water or rest, many are purposely blinded as a means to force them to succumb to defeat. Until a federal law is passed to ban the slaughter of America’s horses, they will continue to be shipped across federal borders for horsemeat which is sold as a delicacy overseas.
USDA inspections are required on site at each U.S. slaughterhouse in order for its meat products sold for human consumption to be legally available for commercial interstate commerce. The ban on the spending of taxpayer dollars for USDA inspections of horse slaughter, keeps foreign special interests from slaughtering our horses inside the U.S. The inclusion of the defunding language in the farm bill is therefore vital to protecting our horses from this insidious cruelty.
“Without federal protection, aftercare programs cannot safeguard our horses from the harm of horse slaughter,” adds Katia Louise, President, Wild for Life Foundation. “It’s evident that more must be done by the industry, including a united stance supporting a federal ban on slaughter of horses for human consumption.”
The truth is that there is no guarantee of humane treatment for any animal
inside America's slaughterhouses. Yet foreign investors and special interest groups continue to push for YOUR tax dollars to re-open horse slaughter in the US and they use every type of trickery available to mislead YOU to do it.
Numerous governmental reports and undercover investigations show that USDA inspections fail to stop insidious abuses from taking place inside US slaughterhouses. Substantial documented evidence reveals egregious violations and a total lack of enforcement by the USDA in U.S. horse slaughterhouses before they were shut down in 2007. If horse slaughter plants are reopened in the U.S., horses will undoubtedly suffer torturous agony on U.S. soil again.
WFLF's case study based on data published by the U.S. government and the Jockey Club, shows an amount equal to 70% of the annual Thoroughbred foal crop, on average, die at slaughter each year.
See the US government in action as the truth gets burried 
1- Visit our Toolbox
and learn why equines must be protected from slaughter. Then help raise awareness by spreading the word in your local community by reaching out to friends, family, neighbors and local leadership members.
2- Visit our Alerts page
and learn why wild horses and burros need to be protected in the wild and then raise awareness by sharing the truth in your local community by reaching out to friends, family, neighbors and local leadership members.
3- Stand With Us
Take the pledge to end equine cruelty.
4- Donate
Help save and protect horses and burros in need today.
5- Share inspirational and educational banners with your friends and local leaders 
6- Don't be Duped!
Laura Allen, director of Animal Law Coalition observes, “The WFLF fact sheet should be distributed to each member of Congress who is deciding whether to endorse the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. Our opponents have waged an insidious, well-funded disinformation campaign to re-open U.S. horse slaughter houses. Even the GAO was duped."
SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES is an independent educational film project under Wild for Life Foundation (WFLF), a Federally registered and fully compliant 501c3 all volunteer nonprofit organization dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving equines.
Together, we are their voice and they need to be heard.